Tirath Singh Rawat took an oath as the Chief Minister of Uttarakhand on March 10, 2021. The Lok Sabha MP from Garhwal, Tirath Singh Rawat has been elected as the leader of the BJP Legislature Party paving the way for Rawat to take over as a Chief Minister of Uttarakhand, a day after Trivendra Singh Rawat resigned from the top post.
The news of the new CM of the state was announced by Trivendra Singh Rawat after the meeting of the BJP legislature party.
The Choice of electing Tirath Singh Rawat as the new Chief Minister of Uttarakhand has also come as a surprise for many as he was not among the favourites. The other names that were doing the round for the top post were Ajay Bhatt, Dhan Singh Rawat, and Anil Baluni.