We are visiting to cover a close explanation of the 5 Days SSB interview procedure. Becoming a military, Navy, and Air Force officer in a well-known interview process. It is important to understand the SSB interview, various tasks and tests conducted within the SSB interview, and other important details.

Candidates preparing for the SSB interview 2022 can find the detailed SSB interview five days process and knowledge on Psychological Tests, Personal interviews, and GTO tasks here. Many candidates are fresher’s;they are not awake to the SSB interview procedure, which results in problemsduring the SSB interviews. They never know the do and don’ts of SSB interviews;

They are not comprehending the required documents required during theinterview process. Lets discuss the SSB interview procedure and the various sources that may facilitate and prepare you before choosing your first attempt.

5 Days SSB Schedule:

The day of reporting to the SSB board, which is followed by document checking and form filing [PIQ forms].

You are often expected to show up at the location specified in the call letter; in this case, that location is MCQ [Moment Control Office].You may not find any difficulty doing so because there will be candidates who would report on the same day, such as you, so you will find one or two.

 Stage-1 Testing

1. Screening: The screening process is to select somepotential candidates from all people who have reported for the actualentry. It consists of some activities like:

 Results of Screening: After completingPPDT, youll select lunch after you simply are getting some rest. Once the screening results prepared,which usually happens after lunch, all the candidates will be called atone place, and the chest numbers of the chosen candidates are

called one by one. After completing PPDT, youll get some rest for 2-3 hours and lunch too. Your screening results are declared after it; selected candidates are allotted new chest numbers. The remainder of the candidates get their TA and are dropped back at the railroad terminal or bus stand.

Stage-2 Testing
Psychological Test

Psychological Test Comprises 4 tests which are as follows:
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

Word Association Test (WAT)

Situation Reaction Test (SRT)

Self-Description Test (SD)

Conference (Final Day)