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The demand has grown louder to carve out a separate state of ‘Greater Tipraland’ for the indigenous communities in Tripura under Article 2 and 3 of the Constitution.

·         ARTICLE 2:Admission Or Establishment Of New States Parliament may by law admit into the Union, or establish, new States on such terms and conditions as it thinks fit.

·         ARTICLE 3:Formation Of New States And Alteration Of Areas, Boundaries Or Names Of Existing States Parliament may by law –

(a) form a new State by separation of territory from any State or by uniting two or more States or parts of States or by uniting any territory to a part of any State;

(b) increase the area of any State;

(c) diminish the area of any State;

(d) alter the boundaries of any State;

(e) alter the name of any State;

·         A Bill giving result to any or all the changes declared above may be introduced in either House of the Parliament, only on the advice of the President.

·         If such a bill affects the boundary or name of a State, then the President, before introducing it within the Parliament, shall refer the Bill to the State legislative assembly involved for its opinion, fixing a time allotment within that an opinion is also expressed by the State legislative assembly.

·         The President may extend the time limit so specified.

·         If the State legislative assembly fails to communicated an opinion within the stipulated time allotment then its deemed that it has expressed its views.

·         If it submits its views within the period so specified or extended, Parliament is not bound to accepts or act upon the views of the State Legislature.

·         Further, its not necessary to form recent respect to the State legislative assembly each time an modification to the Bill is planned and accepted.

·         The Bill is passed with simple majority.

·         However, within the case of Union Territories, its not necessary to get the views of Legislatures of Union Territories before a Bill influence their boundaries or names is introduced.


