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Genes that made Whales grow to giant sizes identified


Important for Subject: Science & Technology

A new study has examined the genetic basis of gigantism in whales identifying 4 genes that may play a key role.

·         These genes were instrumental in the growth of large size however they also assisted in decreasing the negative effects such as a higher risk of cancer and lower fertility.

·         It is believed that the four genetic genes that are named IGFBP7, GHSR NCAPG and PLAG1 are believed to be gaining attention during the evolution of whales that were large.

Growth genes and their implications:

·         GHSR is an important gene in the release of the growth hormone through the pituitary gland as well as body weight, the metabolism of energy, hunger, and the accumulation of fat. 

·         It is also involved in the control of cell proliferation as well as programmed cell death. Tumors are primarily caused through the runaway growth of cells.

·         IGFBP7 is an important gene that plays a role in the process of promoting cell division and growth. There is evidence that it functions as a tumor suppressor in breast, prostate lung, and colorectal cancers.

·         NCAPG A gene linked to growth in human donkeys, horses, chickens, pigs, cattle and cattle is related to an increase in body size in addition to weight gain, cell proliferation, and life cycle.

·         PLAG1, a gene associated with body development in pigs, cattle and sheep.

·         It is involved in the development of embryos and the survival of cells.

About Cetaceans:

·         Cetaceans this marine mammal family that includes whales and dolphins and porpoises evolved about fifty millions of years ago from a vaguely similar to wolves, land-based ancestors who comprised a mammalian assemblage known as artiodactyls that includes cows, sheep, pigs, and other animals.

·         The fin, blue, bowhead grey, humpback left and sperm whales comprise some of the largest living creatures in the present. In reality Blue Whales have been described as the most well-known creature on Earth and bigger than even the largest of dinosaurs.

·         Blue whales can grow to about 100ft (30 meters) in length, fin whales around 80 feet (24 meters) Bowhead and sperm whales around 60 feet (18 meters) as well as humpback and right whales approximately 50ft (15 metres) as well as grey whales approximately 45 feet (13.5 meters).

·         The gigantism that is present in the cetacean lineage is relatively recent estimated to be around five million years old. Prior to that, there were species with massive dimensions, such as Basilosaurus however these were rare, and most cetaceans could not have a length of more than 10 meters.

·         Basilosaurus was a toothed predator dating to around 40 million years ago was most well-known early whale. The lineage of baleen whales extends to about 36 million years old beginning modestly in the size.

